
Recommendations for troubleshooting the Collector

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On this page, you can learn how to troubleshoot the health and performance of the OpenTelemetry Collector.

Troubleshooting tools

The Collector provides a variety of metrics, logs, and extensions for debugging issues.

Internal telemetry

You can configure and use the Collector’s own internal telemetry to monitor its performance.

Local exporters

For certain types of issues, such as configuration verification and network debugging, you can send a small amount of test data to a Collector configured to output to local logs. Using a local exporter, you can inspect the data being processed by the Collector.

For live troubleshooting, consider using the debug exporter, which can confirm that the Collector is receiving, processing, and exporting data. For example:

receivers: zipkin: exporters: debug: service: pipelines: traces: receivers: [zipkin] processors: [] exporters: [debug]

To begin testing, generate a Zipkin payload. For example, you can create a file called trace.json that contains:

[ { "traceId": "5982fe77008310cc80f1da5e10147519", "parentId": "90394f6bcffb5d13", "id": "67fae42571535f60", "kind": "SERVER", "name": "/m/n/2.6.1", "timestamp": 1516781775726000, "duration": 26000, "localEndpoint": { "serviceName": "api" }, "remoteEndpoint": { "serviceName": "apip" }, "tags": { "data.http_response_code": "201" } } ]

With the Collector running, send this payload to the Collector:

curl -X POST localhost:9411/api/v2/spans -H'Content-Type: application/json' -d @trace.json

You should see a log entry like the following:

2023-09-07T09:57:43.468-0700 info TracesExporter {"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "traces", "name": "debug", "resource spans": 1, "spans": 2}

You can also configure the debug exporter so the entire payload is printed:

exporters: debug: verbosity: detailed

If you re-run the previous test with the modified configuration, the log output looks like this:

2023-09-07T09:57:12.820-0700 info TracesExporter {"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "traces", "name": "debug", "resource spans": 1, "spans": 2} 2023-09-07T09:57:12.821-0700 info ResourceSpans #0 Resource SchemaURL: Resource attributes: -> Str(telemetrygen) ScopeSpans #0 ScopeSpans SchemaURL: InstrumentationScope telemetrygen Span #0 Trace ID : 0c636f29e29816ea76e6a5b8cd6601cf Parent ID : 1a08eba9395c5243 ID : 10cebe4b63d47cae Name : okey-dokey Kind : Internal Start time : 2023-09-07 16:57:12.045933 +0000 UTC End time : 2023-09-07 16:57:12.046058 +0000 UTC Status code : Unset Status message : Attributes: -> span.kind: Str(server) -> net.peer.ip: Str( -> peer.service: Str(telemetrygen)

Check Collector components

Use the following sub-command to list the available components in a Collector distribution, including their stability levels. Please note that the output format might change across versions.

otelcol components

Sample output:

buildinfo: command: otelcol description: OpenTelemetry Collector version: 0.96.0 receivers: - name: opencensus stability: logs: Undefined metrics: Beta traces: Beta - name: prometheus stability: logs: Undefined metrics: Beta traces: Undefined - name: zipkin stability: logs: Undefined metrics: Undefined traces: Beta - name: otlp stability: logs: Beta metrics: Stable traces: Stable processors: - name: resource stability: logs: Beta metrics: Beta traces: Beta - name: span stability: logs: Undefined metrics: Undefined traces: Alpha - name: probabilistic_sampler stability: logs: Alpha metrics: Undefined traces: Beta exporters: - name: otlp stability: logs: Beta metrics: Stable traces: Stable - name: otlphttp stability: logs: Beta metrics: Stable traces: Stable - name: debug stability: logs: Development metrics: Development traces: Development - name: prometheus stability: logs: Undefined metrics: Beta traces: Undefined connectors: - name: forward stability: logs-to-logs: Beta logs-to-metrics: Undefined logs-to-traces: Undefined metrics-to-logs: Undefined metrics-to-metrics: Beta traces-to-traces: Beta extensions: - name: zpages stability: extension: Beta - name: health_check stability: extension: Beta - name: pprof stability: extension: Beta


Here is a list of extensions you can enable for debugging the Collector.

Performance Profiler (pprof)

The pprof extension, which is available locally on port 1777, allows you to profile the Collector as it runs. This is an advanced use-case that should not be needed in most circumstances.


The zPages extension, which is exposed locally on port 55679, can be used to inspect live data from the Collector’s receivers and exporters.

The TraceZ page, exposed at /debug/tracez, is useful for debugging trace operations, such as:

  • Latency issues. Find the slow parts of an application.
  • Deadlocks and instrumentation problems. Identify running spans that don’t end.
  • Errors. Determine what types of errors are occurring and where they happen.

Note that zpages might contain error logs that the Collector does not emit itself.

For containerized environments, you might want to expose this port on a public interface instead of just locally. The endpoint can be configured using the extensions configuration section:

extensions: zpages: endpoint:

Checklist for debugging complex pipelines

It can be difficult to isolate problems when telemetry flows through multiple Collectors and networks. For each “hop” of telemetry through a Collector or other component in your pipeline, it’s important to verify the following:

  • Are there error messages in the logs of the Collector?
  • How is the telemetry being ingested into this component?
  • How is the telemetry being modified (for example, sampling or redacting) by this component?
  • How is the telemetry being exported from this component?
  • What format is the telemetry in?
  • How is the next hop configured?
  • Are there any network policies that prevent data from getting in or out?

Common Collector issues

This section covers how to resolve common Collector issues.

Collector is experiencing data issues

The Collector and its components might experience data issues.

Collector is dropping data

The Collector might drop data for a variety of reasons, but the most common are:

  • The Collector is improperly sized, resulting in an inability to process and export the data as fast as it is received.
  • The exporter destination is unavailable or accepting the data too slowly.

To mitigate drops, configure the batch processor. In addition, it might be necessary to configure the queued retry options on enabled exporters.

Collector is not receiving data

The Collector might not receive data for the following reasons:

  • A network configuration issue.
  • An incorrect receiver configuration.
  • An incorrect client configuration.
  • The receiver is defined in the receivers section but not enabled in any pipelines.

Check the Collector’s logs as well as zPages for potential issues.

Collector is not processing data

Most processing issues result from of a misunderstanding of how the processor works or a misconfiguration of the processor. For example:

  • The attributes processor works only for “tags” on spans. The span name is handled by the span processor.
  • Processors for trace data (except tail sampling) work only on individual spans.

Collector is not exporting data

The Collector might not export data for the following reasons:

  • A network configuration issue.
  • An incorrect exporter configuration.
  • The destination is unavailable.

Check the Collector’s logs as well as zPages for potential issues.

Exporting data often does not work because of a network configuration issue, such as a firewall, DNS, or proxy issue. Note that the Collector does have proxy support.

Collector is experiencing control issues

The Collector might experience failed startups or unexpected exits or restarts.

Collector exits or restarts

The Collector might exit or restart due to:

  • Memory pressure from a missing or misconfigured memory_limiter processor.
  • Improper sizing for load.
  • Improper configuration. For example, a queue sized to be larger than available memory.
  • Infrastructure resource limits. For example, Kubernetes.

Collector fails to start in Windows Docker containers

With v0.90.1 and earlier, the Collector might fail to start in a Windows Docker container, producing the error message The service process could not connect to the service controller. In this case, the NO_WINDOWS_SERVICE=1 environment variable must be set to force the Collector to start as if it were running in an interactive terminal, without attempting to run as a Windows service.

Collector is experiencing configuration issues

The Collector might experience problems due to configuration issues.

Null maps

During configuration resolution of multiple configs, values in earlier configs are removed in favor of later configs, even if the later value is null. You can fix this issue by

  • Using {} to represent an empty map, such as processors: {} instead of processors:.
  • Omitting empty configurations such as processors: from the configuration.

See confmap troubleshooting for more information.

Dernière modification January 22, 2025: [chore] Spelling: preexisting..system (#6020) (23b153a6)